sexta-feira, 21 de maio de 2010

I1 - Unit 2 - Simple Past X Present Perfect

1. His brother __________ London last year.
a. has visited
b. was visited
c. visited

2. I __________ this quiz.
a. haven't finished yet
b. haven't yet finished
c. yet haven't finished

3. __________ my car in 1991.
a. I've bought
b. I've owned
c. I bought

4. __________ my car for five years.
a. I've had
b. I bought
c. I've bought

5. When __________?
a. have you born
b. were you born
c. did you born

6. __________ to Singapore?
a. Have you ever went
b. Did you ever went
c. Have you ever gone

7. No, Bob isn't at home. __________
a. He has just left.
b. He is just leaving.
c. He is just left.

8. __________ almost finished this quiz, haven't you?
a. You
b. You've
c. You were

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